Let’s do it together as a team

Team Work is an interesting subject in Sports as well as in business. How do you get the maximum of productivity of a group of people working together? How can the individual top performance fit into a good working atmosphere? Well, it is important that every single team member subordinates his personal interest to the common [...]

2016-10-26T01:34:40+02:00May 29th, 2013|

Coaching Leaders

Leadership in a business is very similar to coaching in sport. You work with people in order to develop and reach your defined goals. You try to get the best out of the people by supporting them, giving feedback and helping them to learn something new every day. Therefore one has to know how he [...]

2016-10-26T01:34:40+02:00May 13th, 2013|

Pushing The Limits

Last week we challenged ourselves by doing something out of the ordinary. The whole team including the coaches started on the license for skydiving. That wasa tough experience for everybody. It is strange when you jump out of the plane for the first time. For me it was an impressive way to learn something about [...]

2016-10-26T01:34:40+02:00July 16th, 2012|
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